Jumat, 16 Januari 2015


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INDOSURTA SURABAYA   www.indosurtasurabaya.com

Total Station Topcon ES 103 By INDOSURTA GROUP

ES Series

Topcon’s new ES Series Total Stations – New Advanced Design with Superior Technology
The new ES Series was designed from the ground up to deliver the very latest technology advantages, all in a small, sleek design – you’ll appreciate the advantages from the very first measurement.
Featuring a class leading EDM unit, the ES is able to measure up to 4,000m to standard prisms, and can measure in reflectorless mode up to 500m at an incredible 3mm + 2ppm accuracy.
Measurements are carried out faster than ever, and at 15mm (over 30m), the bright red laser dot pinpoints features with ease.
Ultra-Powerful, Advanced EDM
  • 500m non-prism range
  • 4000m prism range
  • Less than 1 second fine measurement
The exclusive LongLink™ communications functionality in every ES Series
model provides operational capabilities never before offered in a manual total
station. With a 300m range wireless communication using Bluetooth Class
1 technology, you can now operate the data collector from the “smart-spot”
of the crew, the prism pole. Also referred to the two-man, economical robot
solution, Topcon’s new LongLink™ technology brings a whole new level of
flexibility to your manual field crew.
Advanced Angle Encoder System
  • “Best in Class” 3” angle accuracy available
  • Incorporates exclusive IACS (Intelligent Automatic Calibration System) on 1” & 2” models
Ultimate in Rechargeable operation - 36 Hours!
  • Up to 36 hours of operation on a single charge.*1
  • Eliminates the need for nightly recharging and carrying extra batteries.
  • Work with confidence all day without the worry of dead batteries.
Rugged, Waterproof Design
  • Waterproof/Dustproof IP66 design handles the toughest environments
  • Magnesium-alloy housing providing stable angle accuracy Completely
Easy Access USB 2.0 Memory
  • Up to 8MB storage
  • Environmentally protected
  • Compatible with industry standard accessories and cables
*1 Operating time may vary depending on environmental conditions and type of work being performed.

Spesifikasi - Total Station Topcon ES 103

QUICK Specifications
Angle Measurement

Min. Resolution/Accuracy
IACS (Independent Angle Calibration System)Standard om 1” & 2” models
CompensationDual-axis compensator
Distance Measurement
Prism EDM Range4000m (ES-107 3000m)
Prism EDM Accuracy2mm+2ppm
Non-Prism Range500m
Non-Prism Accuracy3mm+2ppm (0.3-200m)
Measuring TimeFine: 0.9 sec
Rapid: 0.7 sec
Tracking: 0.3 sec
LongLink™ rover communications utilizing Class 1 Bluetooth
USB 2.0 Slot
RS-232C Serial
Display/KeyboardDual, Graphic, Backlit
LCD (ES-107 Single)
Battery Operationup to 36 hours
Dust/Water ProtectionIP66
Wireless ConnectionBluetooth Class 1
Operating Range
-20C to +50C
-30C to +50C *
-20C to +60C **

Paket Penjualan:

Available Accessories:

    •    Unit Topcon Totalstation
    •    2 x Aluminum Tripod
    •    1 x Prisma Polygon
    •    1 x Range Pole
    •    1 x Single Prism
    •    1 x Cable Data
    •    1 x Software Data
Jual Sewa Service Kalibrasi Total Alat-alat Ukur Survey Pemetaan Setation, Digital Theodolite, Automatic Level, Tripod Alumunium, Rambu Ukur, Pole, Prisma Polygin, Prisma Single, Rambu Ukur, GPS, HT icom, Charger Total Station, Charger Digital Theodolite, Batrey Total Setation, Batrey Digital Theodolite, Kabel data Total Setation, Kabel data Digital Theodolite, Accessories alat ukur survey pemetaan  di :
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Written by

Kami Menjual Alat-Alat Untuk Survey Pemetaan, Infrastruktur, Kontraktor, Telekomunikasi, Pertambangan, Geologist, Exploration, Mining, Dirling, Kelautan, Militer, Migas, Pembangunan Pembangunan, Pengelolahan Lahan Lahan Perhutanan Dan Perkebunan Kelapa Sawit dan lain-lain.


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